Switching is easy

Switching is easy

"Our team will guide you through the process of moving accountants, removing any hassle and ensuring a quick, smooth transition"

  • Despite being unsatisfied with their current accountants, many people see the ‘daunting task’ of moving as too big a barrier and therefore do not make the necessary switch
  • However, having attended our FREE initial consultation and decided Certax Accountants can offer the expertise and assistance you require, the process of moving could not be easier;
  • On your instruction we can write to your previous accountant requesting the required documentation to allow us to start working for you
  • As a practicing accountant, you are obliged to pass over client documentation in a reasonable amount of time, preventing any delays.
  • Pending no outstanding fees, the process of moving accountants should be FREE of charge
  • When you move is entirely your choice. Once again, we can guide you through this process to ensure a smooth and hassle free transition.
Click here to find your local Certax Accountant today and receive your free initial consultation.